Servant’s Heart

By Pam Matney

“And since, I your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash each other’s feet. I have given you an example to follow.  Do as I have done to you.”  John 13:14-15

Do I serve the way Jesus did?  When I step outside myself to look at my situation, I have to ask, “Do I act like Jesus?”

Disagreements arise in every marriage and when they do, are we anxiously waiting to get our point across, to get our needs fulfilled?  This morning while doing my morning devotion, being a servant was placed on my heart. I started asking, “God, teach me how to be a servant.”  What does it look like?  How should we act in servant hood?

I came across, John 13, which talks about how Jesus served His disciples. He washed their feet.  In those times, feet could get pretty dirty, they didn’t have blacktop and sidewalks like we do now.  Can you imagine if you had to wash your husband’s feet after a hard day’s work 2,000 years ago?

To me, Jesus wanted to show His disciples what it’s like to serve another.  He was telling them to follow His example.

What “feet” do you need to wash this week?  Maybe you need to go out of your way to serve your husband in a special kind of way, even when you think he should be doing that for you.

Maybe, you need to take a friend to lunch, that hasn’t really been intentional in your friendship.

Whatever your “feet washing” may look like, follow Jesus’ example.  Days before His death, He didn’t expect to have His feet washed.  He served.  I want to follow His example.  Don’t you?

One thought on “Servant’s Heart

  1. Being a servant is not an easy thing to do all the time. It requires us to go against the “self” mentality and put another’s needs before our own! It requires us to sacrifice time, energy, finances and sometimes the satisfaction of winning the argument! I know for me personally it can be hard to take that first step of sacrifice, but then once I do it is a very rewarding experience! You see God’s Word is true in Matthew 20:35 where it says, “It is more blessed to give than to receive”. I know I have a lot more to learn and practice on servant hood and I thank you for this reminder of Matthew 20:28, “Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many”! Help me Lord to have a servant’s heart!

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