Second Place


“…and I will be second to you.”

Jonathan could have had a completely different attitude. He could have demanded his right as successor to the throne. After all, he was King Saul’s firstborn son. But he didn’t. Jonathan loved David and he allowed that love to overrule any so called  “rights” to the throne. He supported David and actually wanted to help him assume the throne. He put David first and himself second. What a powerful example Jonathan set for how we should treat others.

This is a tough one for me because pride is probably my biggest battle. Do I truly want better for others than myself? Am I willing to help them achieve first place and settle for second? Am I genuinely proud for others when they get the attention and accolades and I don’t? This is so hard to live out, but I believe it is exactly what God wants us to do in our relationships. This is the kind of love He has called us to. This is what “true love” is all about!

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves. Philippians 2:3

For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Galatians 5:14

So here’s my challenge for myself. I want to try to incorporate this phrase in my interactions with others. When I feel that pride starting to creep in, I am going to try and capture my thoughts and think, “I will be second to you.” Then rejoice for my friend! Celebrate her success! Give her that first place honor and praise the Lord for her as I gladly accept second place.

Lord, I need your help with this one. I struggle continually with pride and you know how deceitful and wicked my heart can be. I know You hate pride, but You give grace to the humble. Help me to love others the way You love them. Help me to joyfully give others the seat of honor, take the backseat, and genuinely be proud for them. And may You get all the glory! In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

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